Amy! :p

Amy! :p

I got my braces off!!


Sunday, February 15, 2009

I finally put Skiing and Snowboarding pic. on!

Timmy and I waiting for our lessons :)
Timmy's waiting for his turn to go down the hill!

We're all waiting patiently for our turn to go down!
Thomas resting...and ME in the background, w/ my hand in front of my face!

Resting and waiting for my turn to go down the hill!
I finally get to go down!!! Yeah!

Sarah S. and my sister Sarah going down the bunny hill!

Megan and Katie going down a slope!

We all had a VERY fun time at Sierra Summit!



Erika said...

LOVE the pics!
-Erika :o)

Amy Collins said...

-lol, again, I look VERY silly in the pics....I'm all bundled up!
-Ames :P

Erika said...

YOU LOOK ADORABLE!!! (like always!)