Amy! :p

Amy! :p

I got my braces off!!


Saturday, February 7, 2009


Ok, so yesterday we went up to Sierra Summit with bunches of friendies. I decided to try snowboarding for the first time...Wow! People make it look SO easy!! I took this lesson(with Timmy and Thomas, bc they were doing it for the first time too!) for an hour and a half. I barely did anything. ...and they didn't really teach me anything. So, that didn't help that much, but it definitely got me started! Then I went up the magic carpet and then after I could go down without falling I upgraded my self to the bunny hill. woo hoo!
The bunny hill wasn't that much of a challenge!! I went down with Katie and Megan and Sarah much fun!! One really hard thing about the bunny hill was the rope lift thing. Timmy and Jesse were both left footed so it was super hard for them and they kept flipping over it and then getting all tangled up, very funny! But I still fell down tons going down. The bunny hill was part of what made my day a blast cause I got to hang out with MY friends! (instead of my brothers)
My dad finally convinced me to go down half of Academy and Oh My Goodness....It took me like 10 min. to get down the first little slope thingy!!! My arms were crazy tired!! (from getting up...) My dad was like, didn't they teach you how to turn and stop in your lessons. Nope, they didn't! So I was all on my own. I didn't really know how to turn or anything so I kept getting stuck in the soft snow and I couldn't get out!!! That was such a challenge! But I got back up and kept going and made it down the rest of the Academy. Fortunately, I kept improving down the rest of the hill. One thing I like about falling on the snowboarding is, it's normally super easy to get up! I don't like falling forward, like when you catch the front of your board and it just whacks you forward and you go straight down. That's no fun! The good thing is, it doesn't hurt very much. I went down the bunny hill a couple more times and then went down Academy and a little ways down we found some friends! So I went with them and rode back up with Jesse. Then Jesse, Luke, and Jacob finally convinced me to go down Fire Bowl, YIKES!!! I was snowplowing like all the way down(which took me a while to learn how to do)...They were all skiing, so I was a bit behind them. (Jesse switched to skiing after about 3 or 4 hours of snowboarding) I was totally surprised bc I only fell down once and (fortunately) that was a easy fall and get back up! But it took me a while to get down, cause I went really slow.
For those of you that have been down Academy, you know the long straight part at the end??? Well I had to walk almost that whole thing bc I couldn't get enough speed to make it all the way, bc I was a scaredy cat and had to slow down!! Anyways, I had a total BLAST snowboarding and will totally do it again next time! was so much fun!

-I forgot to say, I'm right footed for those of you who want to know... I know I'm weird!
-Today I'm CRAZY sore in my arms! My legs aren't that sore but my arms hurt to do anything. Opening the frig was the worst thing I've done today!
-I'll put pictures of us on here is a couple of days!


Jennifer ;) said...

We were SUPER disapointed we didn't make it to skiing. My dad said we might be able to go in April

Amy Collins said...

I was totally bummed too! We missed you TONS!!! Yup, I hope you can go in April! (It would be after the show, woo hoo!!) Cya!

Mari said...

Hey Amy, skiing was so much fun! Man, you made snowboarding look EASY! Seriously, I am not joking. I saw you go down the academy, and I agree, it was pretty hard. O my gosh, I can't believe this. My brother and I left my dad behind on the academy because he was falling after every single hill, and then we couldn't find him until an hour later! It took him so long to get down! We were worried, but thank goodness he was okay. Well, I had a fun time, but I am sore from head to foot. Are you? :D

Mari said...

Love the background!

Amy Collins said...

Hey! Oh my! Your poor dad! Well, I'm glad he was fine! I was on the ground SO much! ...and, I feel like I made it look extremely hard! I kept falling! OH, was I sore or what!!!All over my WHOLE body! :P