Today I'm going to write a little bit of why I love tennis! I don't have any pics. of me playing tennis, sorry! Anyways, I've played tennis for 3 1/2 years now. I started out horrible and have improved a little since! Every Friday morning we meet for a hour and a half and our 3 awesome coaches have us do a bunch of drills. There's three groups of kids and we rotate so we're with all the coaches. There's this "challenge" where you can "challenge" somebody in a different group and if you win you get to go into their group and they have to go into yours. To "challenge" somebody you have to win three matches against them. Katie and I "challenged" two people in the highest group and beat um so now were in the highest group! Katie is the only other girl in that group so when she's not there, I totally don't like it...cause I'm the only girl!!! I'm not close to the best in my group, and it's cool because then I have a hard time beating people in the drills! I always look forward to going to tennis on Fridays and I'm very bummed when they cancel it(because of the rain). I love tennis and I hope to continue playing it for a very long time!
Hey! I love your new template! Did you get it on the internet?
...I also love your post about tennis! Do you still have Chuck & Jack? (is that his name? Anyway he is the one who was mean to me but I actually kinda liked was a "funny" mean!)I miss our old coach Nick!!
Who did you beat???
Jennifer:We beat Gavin and, they were pretty easy to beat :)
-Erika: No, we have 2 Marks and a Phillip(who we call Phillie)and Robert. Idk, did you have any of those coaches, I think but I'm not sure!
Yay, I'm up there with you guys!! (For a while, I hope!)
Well, it's not like there going to move you down :) least I hope not! You're like WAY better then me, so if anything, I should be the one moving down :P
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